Shoreline Shoreline


Product Description: 

You can use this overlay to make the Water and Sky Background (sold separately) a beautiful river bank for Moses in the bulrushes, a lake for Jesus to preach from, an ocean for Jonah to board a ship sailing to Tarsus, and many others.


Background vs. Overlay: 

Our backgrounds are a full scene, while an overlay is meant to be used in conjunction with a background. For example the Desert overlay covers up the water section of the Water & Sky background, so the sky is still shown above. 


Large Shoreline #00715
  • 13 Felt Pieces
  • To be used with the Large Water and Sky Background (32" x 48")
$ 18.95
Small Shoreline #00815
  • 13 Felt Pieces
  • To be used with the Small Water and Sky Background (16" x 24")
$ 10.95